Generation 1 · November 4, 2020 0


A trap?! How could he say something like that?? Only young, broke llama snots still living with their mama use that word! We are grown and in a committed relationship! A relationship I would want to produce children, somewhere down the line. Has he seriously never considered this? I need not trap him. I already have him! 

I left before I said something that would worsen the situation. My eyes fell on my sketchpad when I came off the stairs. Yes, always provided a great distraction, for if I dwelled on his words, I’d surely think up several nasty responses and risk tanking my relationship, though the thought of shredding him to bits was oh so exhilarating. 

I care for him deeply, but I am NOT the manager of his feelings. I got out of that business when I moved to Sulani. Nope. Whatever he’s going through has nothing to do with me, and I am staying out of it for the first time. It feels good too. When he’s ready to converse like an adult, I’ll be here.


He came downstairs a few minutes after me and went outside. I’m guessing he got his clothes out of the dryer because he returned fully dressed. He was out there for a while, though. He is allowed to be upset and shocked, but I know one thing…my walls better not have any holes. 

When he returned to the house, I did my best to ignore him. He probably expects me to plead or fight with him. One way or another, he’s gonna learn I am not here for games. I kept working. He said he had to go. Don’t let the door hit you.
