Generation 1 · January 5, 2021 0


Emerald named her new friend Shiloh, and I have to admit she was a cute little thing and really sweet. She followed us around all day. I could tell she would be a loyal friend to anyone who loves her. I caught myself watching her and giggling as she stumbled all over the place. Between her cute high-pitched squeals, super velvety fur, and the way she tried to run but fell over herself, she reminded me of when Emmy was a tot. I rebuke the spirit of baby fever.

Since the secret was spoiled, Winston and I setup the other things we got for Little Miss Shiloh. We got the most expensive feeder with the programmable auto feed feature for our own sanity. At least if Emmy forgets to feed her, the dog won’t go hungry. We got a box full of cute dog toys and a super cute bed. Shiloh looked like a queen laying in that thing.


We invited Anaya and Billie to join us for dinner, but Billie spent Winterfest with her father, so Nay came alone. Baako is getting very old. This may be his last Winterfest. I imagine Nay must have some complicated feelings right now.


Winston made us a delicious ham dinner and marshmallow squares for dessert. Everyone but me went for the squares. Weirdos.


Later, as we were finishing dinner, Father Winter stopped by just as Emmy was doing her best belly laugh. I personally would have been so embarrassed, but she just laughed. Father Winter thought it was pretty cool too and gave her some tips.


After the belly laugh master class, he gave her a gift saying she had been very good that year and was one of the nicest children on his list. I could have cried. That compliment was an amazing gift to me. I love it when others see my child like I see her. It makes me feel confident that she really is an amazing sim and I’m not being biased.
