Generation 1 · November 22, 2020 0



Even though I’m jealous, I love that Winston and Emerald have a special relationship even if I don’t understand it. He calls her KiKi, and I hate it. But it’s their thing, and it’s cute. A girl needs her father, and I’m glad he’s here to set a precedent in her life, though I wish it were stronger. Maybe he’ll be better once she can speak in paragraphs and roll her eyes at him.


I bit the bullet yet again and broached the marriage subject. I’m ashamed to say I don’t even know how he feels about it. We never got that far before things changed. I asked him flat out, “So when are we getting married?” No preamble, no chaser. Just him in the blinding spotlight. I suppose he was in a good mood from his one-sided conversation with the baby. He kinda snorted and asked, “Why do we need to get married? Things are just fine how they are.”


I can’t really account for what came out of my mouth next. I know it was loud. And fast. Probably really strong. He stared at me as if I were speaking another language. I dropped it…for now.
