Generation 1 · January 7, 2021 0


I had some important meetings today with some fashion icons, so I put on my Boss Lady suit. I’m not really a fan of the pantsuit, but they do scream “I mean business” so it was a pantsuit kind of day!

I was on the go all day and had little time for breaks. By the time I got home, I’d made an urgent appointment with the toilet. I stepped into the bathroom and found Shiloh lapping up water from a puddle. I bet it was Winston’s doing. Emerald is great at cleaning her messes fairly quickly. Shiloh knew I caught her and tried to run away, but she still hasn’t gotten the hang of her legs yet. What I want to know is why she looked like she’d been rolling in mud! Did no one look at her today? And if they did, they were ok with this? See! THIS is why I was anti-dog! I knew I’d become the primary caretaker of this cute little terror. That is not how this was supposed to work!

After taking care of my own business, I changed and took Shiloh outside for a bath. Sure, she’s small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink, but there is no way I’m going to dirty my house with whatever filth she’s covered in.


I massaged the shampoo into her fur, nice and gentle. No reason she shouldn’t also be pampered. Her eyes slowly shut, and I swore I heard her say, “Ahhhhhh.” In dog language, of course. While we were out there, I figured I’d take her to go potty too. Maybe she’ll learn to poop outside.
