Generation 1 · November 21, 2020 0


I know us sims are not all the same. I recognize opposites attract. I am bold, and sassy, and social, and energetic, and Winston is reserved (except in the bedroom, heh) and observant. I know these things. Still, I wish he’d talk to me more. He’s often aloof and in his own world. Sometimes, he doesn’t look happy despite what he says. I know I asked for this, but I had hoped we’d be more than roommates. I’ve done everything I know to make him feel welcome, but he still acts like he’s living in my house. I just… I’m tired of always being the one to start these conversations. Doesn’t he ever have something to discuss? Is this all he wants for his life? Living in his girlfriend’s house and letting her take care of things? I thought he’d be better than that.