Generation 1 · December 15, 2020 0


I still can’t get over Winston and Emerald’s relationship. It seriously is the cutest thing, especially now that he’s old. It’s like she hasn’t even noticed how gray his hair is. He’s not an old man; he’s just Daddy. I love that. It got me thinking, though. I know he’s not on Grim Reaper’s list yet, but I’d be a fool to ignore the fact that his life will soon end. She makes him so happy, and I want him to have as much time with her as possible. Especially because he wasn’t very involved at first. I had to choose my words wisely and make sure I sparked a discussion rather than tell him what he needs to do.

I wanted to know how he felt about retirement. He’s only just had his birthday, and he’s perfectly capable of continuing to work, but I wanted him to know I was completely comfortable with the idea should that be something he wanted to do.


He was skeptical at first, and I expected that. He doesn’t make much money, but I know as the head of household it’s important for him to bring money into the home. Instead of throwing the fact that I made 4 times more than him in his face, I took a different approach. I told him we still had the proceeds from the sale of his house that would cover us until long after he’s gone.


That eased him a little, but I had to use Emmy to seal the deal. I told him if he retired, he’d have tons more time with her and she would absolutely love that. He called his boss immediately.