Generation 1 · November 19, 2020 0


I thought living together was supposed to make things easier. I appreciate the things he does like repairing the sink and taking out the trash, but I didn’t invite him here to be my butler. He’s here to be part of this family, but half the time he’s off doing his own thing. Why do I feel like a single parent in a two-parent home? Get this. One day as I left the kitchen he came in. I asked if he gave Emmy her lunch. This fool said, “I thought you fed her.” LSAJFOSDJFOSJCFOLAYHTO8FHNVSOFDAHAISUDYHFOIUWDSAOFCHASDOHODSAHIHAGFDSIOFDHJOWDSAHO8FHSODI!!!!

I’m calm…

As one could guess, neither of us had fed her, and the girl was BIG mad! But she was oh so cute with that quivering lip.