Generation 1 · November 14, 2020 0


I woke up feeling unsettled. Not in a bad way, but… Well, if you knew a whole sim was about to come out of your body at any moment, you’d be unsettled too. Also? Last night, Winston announced he forgot to apply for family leave! He still had to go to work on the most important day of his life! He said to text him when I went into labor, and he’d do his best to get off early. I needed to focus on something else or I’d go crazy. Or punch him. A game of chess was always a great distraction. He tried to join, but I think he knew to tread lightly.


No sooner than he left for work, the labor started! I called him and left a voicemail. I also called Anaya. She met me at the hospital, and I appreciated her cool comfort. She knew exactly what to say, having been through this before.


I called Winston a few times with no luck. He is dead meat.

I gave birth to a stunning baby girl! I named her Emerald because she is my precious jewel. I also heard, back in ancient times, Al Simharans believed emeralds were supposed to open the wearer’s heart to wisdom and strengthen their relationships. If that is true, I hope bearing the name will have the same benefits because I want my daughter to grow up wiser than me so she can have stronger, healthier relationships in her future. 

I struggled with her last name, though. Winston is her father, and I love him. But I don’t want to assume what his plans are. My worst mistakes began with assumptions. I know it’s tradition for children to have their father’s name, but this is no traditional situation. He could still cut and run, though I don’t think he’d do that. If he decides to marry me, we can change her name. For now, say hello to my beautiful daughter, Emerald Kierra Pope.
