Generation 1 · December 30, 2020 0


It had been a while since we attended Sulani events as a family, so one night we went to the flower festival. Winston challenged Emerald to a race to the top of the hill. He started running before she even accepted the challenge, giving him a huge lead. She didn’t appreciate that, of course, and accused him of cheating. I told her if she stayed ready, she wouldn’t need to get ready. That went over like a ton of bricks.

Thorne Bailey was there serenading the locals with his stolen lyrics. I’ll never understand why people like someone who is perfectly fine with taking advantage of people. He doesn’t even have to admit he’s a fraud. I just need him to credit his wife for writing the songs. I wish Winston would get famous off my work. Hmph!

Emmy watched him while my husband and I hung out by the fire. I love calling him that. He has no name now. He’s only My Husband, heh.

I still can’t believe we’re married. Even more unbelievable, I can’t believe I let him talk me into eloping! That’s when it occurred to me that although we didn’t do the traditional wedding, we should still celebrate our union. I hope he’ll agree to a honeymoon. We don’t need to do anything fancy. Heck, it could just be a weekend thing in the city. I’ll pitch it to him when I get it together.