Generation 1 · October 27, 2020 0


Just when I thought about calling it quits and going home, I turned around to see Winston fighting with a cat. I’m not exactly sure who won, but my money was on the cat. At least one of us got to teach him a lesson.

I thought to ask if he ever made those cupcakes but instead asked if he lived in the area. Turns out he lived on Mua’Pelam near the volcano; he said he liked living dangerously. Suddenly, I needed another drink…really badly. If that cat wasn’t guarding the kava bowl, I would have poured it over my head. 


Winston didn’t work at the lounge full time, thank the Watcher. His proper job was in the tech industry, and he took the lounge job to fill time. Maybe he’s also lonely. We could be lonely together… 

He brought up a case study he read the other day about talking to plants and whether it encouraged growth. When I tell you my heart went pitter patter? It could have been the kava, but ya girl was toast. There is nothing more sexy than a well-read sim. We talked for a while and got to know each other more, and honestly, I don’t remember what else we talked about. I do remember laughing a lot. Really loud. I’ve gotta stop drinking so much kava at these things.


I also remember gazing into his eyes. A lot. They’re caramel colored and refreshing, like a tall glass of iced tea. He never looked away. I couldn’t stop staring. I’m in definitely in trouble.
