Generation 1 · December 12, 2020 0


Later on, we went bowling. As with every other experience, Emmy was super excited to do something new. I realize that she’s young and everything is new, but her excitement only highlights the downsides of raising her in Sulani. Maybe we should move away for a little while and come back to retire or something. That’s a thought for another time.

I am not the best at bowling, but I thought I had a chance to beat Winston. I had no evidence to support that, but I was feeling confident and used it to my advantage in trash talk.


I showed no mercy and hit him with my signature move.


The results weren’t great, but it was only my first frame. Emmy wanted to try, so he let her go. What happened next, I will regret for the rest of my life. Winston and I were talking, and I wasn’t paying attention. He was, however, and suggested helping her with the ball because it looked too heavy.


I was too cocky and focused on winning to notice. I told him that would be cheating. She needed to figure out how to wield the ball on her own. That’s how she’d get better. I honestly don’t know what happened or how, but all I know is my baby ended up on the floor!!!


That’s it! Time to pack it up! Vacation over!!