Generation 1 · November 26, 2020 0


My girl Nay strutted into the house with new, confident, sassy energy, and it looked SO good on her!! I’d been so busy lately, we didn’t talk as much. I’m not sure if she’s just settled into divorced life or she’s got a new bae or what; I’m just glad she’s not sad anymore.

I caught Winston having a moment as he watched Emmy dance. It was sweet. He’s always so inside himself. I don’t know what he’s thinking half the time especially when it comes to her. But, it’s nice to see we’re still on the same page.

She had so much fun and danced her little heart out like it was NYE or something. Totally did not expect her to last until 10:30 though. This kid’s got more endurance than I do!

As it was getting quite late, I announced it was cake time. We moved the party into the dining room and made a great ruckus for Emmy first. She had no idea what was going on but played along quite well. Happy birthday to us!