Generation 1 · November 19, 2020 0


Nay came by in good spirits, I was glad to see. Even though she initiated the divorce, it didn’t make it easier for her. She wanted things to work between them, but that ol llama face she married…[sigh]. Let me not talk about the love of my best friend’s life.

Emmy’s mental faculties are still in development, so it took her a while to remember Auntie Nay. The face she made when Nay spoke to her…priceless!

If that doesn’t spell stranger danger, I don’t know what does. 😂 Watcher, forgive me for laughing at my child. I had to remind her that she is mommy’s friend and the one who gave her that Llama Man outfit, or “Mama Man” as she says. She made an even cuter face when it all came back to her.

As clingy as she is, she likes being in everyone’s business and attempt to repeat what we say. (Note to self: watch what you say.) So, eventually Winston came and took her upstairs so Nay and I could talk in private. Hmph. That may have been the first parental thing he’s done.