Generation 1 · December 16, 2020 0


Our relationship has slowly drifted back to its origins. We debated, laughed, and whispered sweet goodness in each other’s ear, but this time with more wisdom. I opened myself and let him see what’s inside without demanding the same in return, taking ownership of my part in our mess. But along the way, he showed fragments of himself too. I take what I can get, and I’m loving the exchange. I wish we would have done this more long time ago and hate even more that it took me thinking about sabotaging our relationship to get here. But, as my grandmother used to say, it’s always sweeter on the other side.

Winston is a good sim. I’ve known that, but I allowed myself to forget it while I focused on my agenda. I accused him of not wanting to be part of this family, but he’d always contributed in his own way. Now that he’s retired, he finds new ways to care for us and contribute to the household.


I’m so glad I can’t get any bigger because he is getting so good at making bread! But like, sometimes I look at him want to cry when I think about how much things have changed. I went from being angry at him for not feeding our child to wondering what meal I’ll come home to when I have to visit a client. I used to feel like a single parent, and now we are proper partners. This is what I envisioned our life would be like, but I appreciate it so much more now.