Generation 1 · January 4, 2021 0


So, it’s Winterfest, and I underestimated my child. I thought she outgrew the whole wake up early to open presents thing. True, she wasn’t looking for presents, but she was up earlier than I expected and walked in on me getting her big gift together. I paid extra to have someone from the adoption agency deliver the puppy on Winterfest. She had just arrived and opened the crate when Emmy walked in. Her eyes got really big when her brain registered what was taking place.


“Mommy?! What’s going on??” she cried.

I loved how excited she was, breathing rapid, short breaths and eyes widening by the second. My job here is done. I have brought unmeasured joy into my child’s life! She almost knocked me over when I told her that Winston and I decided to get her that puppy she wanted for Winterfest.


Oh yes. We did it. I think we definitely made it into the cool parent hall of fame. I think I’ll start writing my acceptance speech tonight. I told the adoption lady to go home. Our work here is done.