Generation 1 · October 26, 2020 0


Thanks to the Romance Festival, my days and nights were completely booked. I generated enough material for two posts a day for about a week. Folks think being a full time blogger is just sitting at home and writing all day, but it’s so much more than that. Actually, writing is the easy part. A good blogger engages with her audience, responding to comments, reading other blogs and commenting on them. I am my own and best marketing coordinator, and if I want more, I have to go get it. I also design and maintain my own website. I’m a Jaquelyn of all trades, baby! Ya girl was born a renaissance sim, and I needed a break. 

I hated to admit I was kinda bummed from not hearing from Winston yet. I should have known he was too good to be true. He was just being polite. Heh, I’d be willing to bet he grew up in Willow Creek, the polite capitol of the world. See? This is classic Amina: getting way too excited about a guy she barely knew. No wonder I ended up here. Still, the part of me who wanted to hear from him could not give up. So, I put on some clothes, beat my face, and strutted down to the lounge where he worked, hoping to run into him. I did not. I did, however, gain another fan. Nothing about this guy inherently said “talk to me,” but it was so cute how he couldn’t stop smiling and staring. Poor thing. He never had a chance, but I applauded him for shooting a shot. He wouldn’t know what to do with all this deliciousness.


He wasn’t my type, and I definitely was NOT attracted to him. But he kept following me, and frankly I enjoyed the attention. I indulged him, throwing little flirts here and there. He was great company and laughed at all my stupid attempts at jokes.


That night, as I nestled my head against the pillow, I replayed the evening in my mind. I didn’t used to entertain sims in which I had no interest. I rolled over and covered myself with the blanket to hide from the cold, hard truth. I could busy myself with work and repeat how satisfied I am in this “doing me” season until I was blue in the face. Neither of those things erased the fact that I was lonely.