Generation 1 · October 31, 2020 0


The next morning was weeeeeeird. I awoke excited to spend more time with Winston and even make something fresh for breakfast, but he had to go to work. I guess I forget not everyone has a flexible schedule like I do. But, it wasn’t him ditching me that was weird. We just didn’t know how to be around each other. I sensed he wanted to say something, and I totally wanted to hear it, but he decided against it. We’re in that weird, in-between space where it’s vital not to say or do the wrong thing. The slightest slip up could send us back to square one or even sink the whole ship. There’s no room for assumptions. We don’t know what we’re doing or who we are to each other and need to have the define the relationship conversation. I feel like things are definitely in the exclusive range, but as I’ve learned from past mistakes, that is something one should NEVER assume. Ever. So, I let him go and went on with my business. I know I’ll see him again soon, but I wish I could have been a bit smoother.