Generation 1 · November 5, 2020 0


The next night, I invited Anaya over to share my news…all of it. I kinda hadn’t told her about Winston yet, so she was doubly shocked. I wasn’t trying to hide him; I just got caught up and hadn’t made space for anyone else. Through the shock and surprise, she expressed happiness; at least someone felt positive about this. She was most happy about me finally experiencing some reciprocity, being the only other person besides myself familiar with my one-sided relationships. Naturally, I left out the unpleasantness. Although I’d like to sock him in the nose, I don’t want her to group him with those zeroes. Recent words aside, he’s different. 

Before leaving, she welcomed me into the moms’ club. Sweet Watcher! I’m gonna be a mom!? Although I had a full day with a living being inside me, I’d given little thought to what that actually meant. I’m about to be a mother. I’m not sure I’m up to the task.
