Generation 1 · November 1, 2020 0


The next week was a blur. I hated covering my only beautiful, blank wall, but I had to put my style board back up. I had new clients and new inspirations and needed room to work. If I didn’t love my house so much, I’d get a bigger one so I could have a proper studio.


Winston and I went back and forth between our places for sleepovers. I liked sleeping at his place. It’s much bigger than mine, but still just one bedroom. But we have room to dance and be silly, and I love that. And there are more surfaces to woohoo on.

We did have that oh so important conversation, and I initiated it. I was just so impatient, but he didn’t seem to mind. We’re in an official exclusive relationship now, and I am so happy. He is too and giggles in his sleep. I wondered if he knew that. Maybe I should tell him…or not. Information like this could go a long way in the future…
