Generation 1 · January 19, 2021 0


The principal called AGAIN, this time claiming Emmy tried to hack into the school’s server? He alleged they stopped her before she had a chance to do anything. Ok, first of all, I don’t know where he gets off accusing MY baby of such a crime! I love my child, and I think she is as intelligent as they come, but this is NOT in her remit. I know she loves a good prank, but hacking? She does not have the skills for hacking! She’s a GOOFBALL and did not inherit her father’s computer nerddom. 

Secondly, my child has no need to hack into their pathetic system! She is an A student! What would she do in there? Lower her grades?

Finally, speaking of their pathetic system, if a student with zero hacking skills got into their system that easily, it’s not secure! Like, at all! I don’t know who he thinks he is coming to me with this mess! Instead of pointing fingers, get your own house in order, sir! Come at me one mo’ ‘gain with this plum, I’ll be at the school to put ALL these allegations to rest! TRUST!!