Generation 1 · December 7, 2020 0


We entered our little oasis in the woods and got settled after a brief meeting with the ranger. The huge TV in the family room mesmerized my daughter as she parked herself in front of it. I don’t like her spending hours on end in front of a screen, but I’ll allow it because we’re on vacation. 

As I prepared dinner, I remembered how much I enjoyed cooking before I had a family. My mind is usually cluttered by a laundry list of chores, my work, and the next day’s agenda, so I’m usually operating quickly on auto-pilot. That night, I took my time chopping vegetables and put thought into what I prepared. Winston kept me company. I noticed immediately his relaxed demeanor…and how much he talked! It made me wonder if he felt stressed at home. Like, the only difference between being at home and here is none of us have work/school obligations to worry about. But that only led to another thought which dampened my mood. Winston works six days a week, and it pains me to admit I have no idea if he even likes his job. Frankly, I don’t really know what he does or if it’s difficult. He works with computers. That’s all I know. Realizing this, I wonder if I am the cause of his stress. I’ve accused him of being a poor communicator–among other things–but I haven’t been the best at it either. I yell, make demands, and now I’m clueless about basic things in his life. No wonder he’s not interested in marriage. We’re practically strangers.


Though we haven’t been the best at taking an interest in each other’s lives, I hoped he’d agree to get a massage with me tomorrow. He declined enthusiastically, saying he didn’t want anybody touching on him. I should have been honored to be the only sim with access to his body, but instead he disappointed me. I suppose I should have known he’d decline. I don’t know too many guys who like getting massages, but our list of activities to do together in Granite Falls is getting shorter, and I fear he’ll keep crossing off items before I even add them. 
