Generation 1 · November 2, 2020 0


Winston and I can’t get enough of each other…physically and mentally. We still enjoy our heated debates, and he’s always finding new topics to dissect. I’ve been reading more because I must be prepared for him. The brotha is sharp! I’d never admit it in front of him, but he’s totally smarter than me. I don’t like losing, but if I have to lose to anyone, he is the only one to which I can lose gracefully. It also helps that he comforts me after, heh. I love it when he touches me. He explores my body like an adventurer finding new land. I’m pretty sure he knows exactly how many moles I have and probably found ones I didn’t know about. Everything is so perfect. I am teetering on the edge of something magnificent; I just know it. Specific words I want to say are always at the tip of my tongue, but I can’t say them. Maybe it’s not time. Whether it is or isn’t, I don’t pressure myself to say them because I feel I will have the rest of eternity to get it out.