Generation 1 · October 29, 2020 0


Winston called to check on me the next night. I must have sounded pretty pitiful or something because a few minutes into the conversation he invited me over. “You don’t need to be alone right now,” he said. Those were the truest words I’d heard that day. I tried not to be alone with my memories of Mary, but the weather made it impossible and I was a mess. Winston was very kind and entertained a few stories.


At an appropriate lull in conversation, he asked if I wanted to go upstairs…to his balcony. “It’s a nice night,” he said. “You might think this is weird, but I find all the night sounds comforting. Maybe it’ll help.” 


If you think I bought that, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Strangerville to sell you. I was keenly aware of his plans…and I welcomed it. At least I knew for sure we were fighting the same battle, and I hadn’t read too much into our friendship. He’s a clever one, this guy. Pffft…cupcakes. I must be really rusty to not read through that plum. Really clever, sir. Really clever.

I let him attempt to tell me a few comforting stories from his own life before I put us both out of our misery…


By the time I got home the next morning, there was no sadness left in me.
