Generation 1 · October 31, 2020 0


Winston has stayed here a few times since that magical afternoon, and I’d forgotten how messy guys could be. Like, I’m glad he’s comfortable and all, but would it kill him to clean up after himself?

It was around lunchtime when he called and asked me out. On a date. An actual date. I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself. But I told him the date could not end at anyone’s house because I already had evening plans. It was my sweet Billie Bean’s birthday, and I would not miss it. Not even for magical woohoo.


I changed clothes but didn’t get too dressed up. I don’t know where we are, but we’re definitely not at nice dress level yet. Winston, however, wore a tie, and I was beyond impressed. He never ceased to amaze me. The meter on my tank of desire creeped quickly out of the green zone into yellow. Maybe if I had a little dessert before lunch, it would slow down.


I was wrong. As intelligent as I am, sometimes I have really dumb thoughts. 

Winston told me I was beautiful. It struck me in a way I didn’t expect. I am one of the most self-assured sims I know, and though I appreciate hearing it, I’m not someone who needs to hear it all the time because I already know I am. But hearing him say it… I don’t know if it’s because he’d never said amorous things to me before or because I seriously like the guy. Whichever it is, I didn’t know what to do with myself.


As we ate, the meter steadily approached the red zone. It didn’t help that he ordered sakura tea with his wonton soup. I saw what he was up to, Mr. I Like Living Dangerously. 

My thoughts from the other night came back, and I felt ready to have that conversation. But I wanted him to bring it up. On the flip side, even though we’d been together several times, this was still our first date. Maybe it wasn’t the right time. If he didn’t bring it up soon, however, I decided I would.


Just being around him, not saying anything, was enough to get me going, and I was waging a physical battle now. My insides burned with lust. If we didn’t do something fast, I promise you I would have cleared that table and handled my business. Sure, I’d go to jail, but it would have been worth it.


I told Mr. Dangerous Living to meet me in the bathroom.


I. Wanted. Him. So. BAD. But I couldn’t let things escalate. I had to be fresh and presentable for Billie’s party. Luring him in the bathroom was a mistake. The more I kissed him, the more I felt our excitement grow. We needed to stop, but I didn’t want to. Just one more taste…
