Generation 2 · January 4, 2022 0

2.207 GeekCon

When I left Billie’s, I wasn’t ready to go home yet, so I checked out GeekCon because it was happening nearby. I’d never been before. Never even considered checking it out. Without a TV in the home growing up, Mommy did not give me the chance to become interested in video games. I had a short-lived experience with computer hacking, and rocket science never appealed to me. But I’m an adult now, and I know sometimes our interests can shift. Because I am exploring my career options, I figured exposing myself to something new couldn’t hurt.

Several folks dressed in the same costume. I guess the Grim Reaper has a lot of fans. Or maybe it’s the easiest costume to copy when you’re on a budget. One of them even tried to holla at me. Pfft. Typical.

I followed the path to the festival and found a sea creature staring at me. Then it called my name! It was a female’s voice muffled under that mask.

“KiKi! I know you hear me calling you!”

Without even recognizing the voice, I knew who it was. Only one woman busts my chops like that. “Diamond?? What in the world are you wearing?”

She sucked her teeth. “You can’t come to GeekCon and NOT dress up! Everybody knows that!”

I sighed. “You know I’ve never been here.”

“Tuh! I don’t know what you do anymore.”

That was fair, I suppose.

“People who don’t dress up have to take pictures with all of us who do,” she said, with her hands on her scaly hips.

“Is that really a thing?” I asked.

“Just take the picture!”

I felt so dumb taking pictures with a fish woman. But when in Monte Vista…I guess.

“Ali is here,” she said.

“What?” Why did I freeze like I got caught stealing something?

Ali? Your soon-to-be ex man candy? He’s over there getting food dressed up like a repair guy. So unoriginal.”

Ali? At GeekCon? I never pegged him as a nerd. Even an undercover one. Well, I never imagined Diamond there either, but she seems to show up EVERYWHERE. Should I speak? Would he want me to see him in cosplay? It’s not like I’m stalking him. I guess we should get used to seeing each other out and about unexpectedly because we’re separated. Ugh. What if I ever see him with another woman? He deserves every good thing, and I want him to be happy again. But I don’t think I could bear that.

I hesitated and crept toward the concession stands, keeping a careful watch. But if Ali and I are done, why didn’t I just leave? I still love him. And, deep down, part of me will never stop trying to communicate those feelings. I found him sitting at a picnic table with other cosplayers. When I tapped his shoulder, his eyes widened in surprise, just as I expected. Honestly, he looked mortified.

“Em?? Hi, uhh…what are you doing here?”

“I was just at Billie’s. Thought I’d see what this is all about.”

“Oh! Alright. You’ve never been?”

I shook my head.

“Oh… Honestly, me neither. It’s my day off, so…thought I’d give it a shot.”

I stifled a giggle at the way he tried to justify his presence. Even the tips of his ears reddened. I’m sorry I blew his cover.

“Well, I think you’re adorable in your costume,” I said.

He blushed.

I caught myself gazing into those mesmerizing blue eyes and cleared my throat, changing the subject slightly. “Apparently, because I’m not dressed, I’m supposed to take pictures with all of you?” I held out my phone, suggesting he join me.

“…Oh! Yeah, uhhh, sure.”

“Show it to the kids. They’ll love it,” I said.

“They would. Let’s do this.”