Generation 2 · February 15, 2022 0

2.225 Something New

I woke up anguished again, missing Ali like crazy, wanting to kiss my babies, and thinking about my parents and Shiloh. Yesterday, I accepted feeling would linger for a while and I couldn’t rush it. That’s a fact, but there are things I can do to make myself happy even if just temporarily. Changing my look always gave me a buzz, so I cut my hair again. I also tried a new color, which really put me over the top. Long time ago I said I would try going blonde. I thought about doing it this time, but I chickened out. This honey-ish, ashy brown will have to do. Should I have waited until my tan faded to try a new color? I hope I’ll still like it when I’m back to my normal skin tone. But whatever. The point is, I wanted a boost of happy today, and that’s what I got!