Generation 2 · February 17, 2022 0

2.227 The Inevitable

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The next few days were some of the most exhilarating days of my new life. First, I got that promotion my boss promised me WAY sooner than I expected. Unfortunately, it came at a cost: his own employment. I noticed fraudulent activity when preparing his expense report. I wasn’t sure what to do because this was the first time I’d ever dealt with something like that. If I brought it to him, he’d tell me to keep my mouth shut and go on like nothing happened. If I went above his head, I could either be praised for catching it or punished for blowing the whistle. I decided to be brave and report it; I have nothing to lose. Not only was his fired, but I now have his job! AND I get to NOT wear this awful frumpy suit!!

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A leaf pile a few feet away looked lonely and begged for someone to disrupt it. I obliged it and spread those leaves all over that park in my excitement. I’m also scared. Going from Assistant Manager to Regional Manager is a HUGE step. Honestly, it seems like a step is missing. I’m glad I did the right thing by reporting my boss, but I hope I haven’t tied the noose around my own neck.

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My candle business is blowing up like fireworks! Every day this week, I received a message with an offer. And every day, I One, Two Step myself to the mailbox and do a little Jimmy Leg on the porch as I send off the packages. Perhaps dancing on the porch in my jammies isn’t the smartest thing I’ve done in a while, but I don’t care. I’m happy and I’m proud. No one will take that away from me.

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No one except maybe the Office of Family Court…

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