Generation 2 · February 17, 2022 0

2.230 Friends

I don’t know how long I cried, but after a while I was spent. I took a long soak in the tub, hoping all the bombs and salts and essential oils would somehow transform me into a less sad person. But I was just as miserable as I was before. I honestly didn’t know why I was so upset. I’d been living on my own, not seeing my children daily for a while. And I started developing a life of my own. Divorce wasn’t new. But there I was, drowning in a pool of my own tears. I needed help and did something I’d never done before: I phoned a friend.

I called Lucy, told her what happened, and requested she come see me right away. She then called my other friends, gave them the news, and they all showed up at my house like the guardian angels they were. Gemma came in like a hurricane, determined to envelop and assure me she had me.

“Tell us what you need, and we’ll do it,” she said.

Diamond was an emotional person anyway and was too much beside herself to be of any help, but I appreciated her willingness to be a companion. Lucy had the least dominate personality of all us, so she basically sat in the corner and stayed out of Gemma and Diamond’s way.

Neither of them said much, but honestly, I didn’t need them to. As long as I didn’t have to be alone, I’d be fine. Eventually.