Generation 2 · February 26, 2022 0

2.237 Quality Time

I left the kids to themselves while I cleaned up and stuff. Even though I like to cram as much togetherness into these weekend visits as possible, I like to give them time to be together as well. True, they get plenty of time together at Ali’s house, but they’re super close and I don’t want to come between them. They often fight for my attention when they’re here, so it’s good for me to be unavailable sometimes.

Alessia finally discovered the basketball outside. I just knew she would get into sports. Ali and I should have placed bets on how long it would take her to notice it. Later, Luca challenged me to a game of chess. Diamond texted me, suggesting we play some game together. I swear, her interests change so much, I never know what to expect from her next. I appreciated her checking on me but replied saying I was already playing a game, and my opponent thinks he can take me.

I admire my son so much. Sometimes I can’t help but stare at him just like Mommy used to stare at me. It’s so weird to think about sometimes how these little people with their own personalities actually came from us. It’s almost like an out-of-body experience watching them grow because they’re so much like us but also so much different. Luca is so confident and smart, like his daddy. Too smart, actually. The little bugger had me on the ropes. For a moment, he was beating me like I stole something!

I love that he’s smart enough to challenge me. And as much as I would love to give him the satisfaction of winning against his mother, I can’t lose to my child right now. Maybe when he’s a teenager, but not while I’m taller than him. The confidence was strong with that one. He had trash talk and everything! Does Ali recognize how much like him Luca is? It’s uncanny! I got myself together, though, and recovered from the slaughter.

Better luck next time, kiddo!