Dinner with my family was surprisingly familiar and normal. Some kids age up to teenagers and become completely different creatures. But my children are relatively the same. Luca is still the same sweet, confident, laid back kid I loved. He just uses more words now. Alessia doesn’t run everywhere anymore, but her energy is still quite high. She just has a bit more sass now. Ok…a lot more. I wasn’t prepared for the sarcasm. Hopefully it won’t get out of control. But just like my reflection this morning, some things never change. I think my funny faces will always make her laugh. And as long as she laughs, I’ll never stop making them. I even got a laugh out of Ali this time.

After dinner, I wasted no time getting on with the presents. I have to admit I was a little nervous, though. She never told me what she wanted, and I never asked. Earlier in the week, I was too busy getting Luca’s party and gifts together. And later, the shenanigans at the office that threw off the rest of my week. Hopefully she won’t mind that I only have one gift, but I know siblings can be quite sensitive about these things. At least it’s the same caliber as Luca’s gifts. Ugh. I can’t risk it. Let me makes this right.
“Happy birthday, baby! I ordered you a phone as well, but it hasn’t arrived yet.”

Yes, that was a lie. But in about 20 minutes, it won’t be, so there! [sigh] The things we do to keep the peace in our homes. Note to self: PLEASE don’t forget to order that phone!

“My very own laptop?? Like, I don’t have to share it?”
I giggled. “I mean, it would be nice if you let your brother use it from time to time, but yes. It’s yours!”
“Thank you, Mommy!!”
Ali snorted. “You’re setting the bar way too high, Em.”

“Wowzers,” Alessia said. “Somebody sneaked in a side of petty with their tofu turkey.”
I couldn’t believe he said that. The only other time he got snarky with me was in our biggest fights about me cheating. I thought of many responses, but all of them would hurt him a lot more than he hurt me. Whatever made him say that is something he needs to work through and has nothing to do with me. But still. Why does our financial disparity bother him now? When we met, I was living high on the llama with my parents’ money while he was unemployed and struggling to make ends meet. He eventually got a job and a few promotions, but I paid the bills because his income was just a drop in the bucket for what we needed. I NEVER made him feel bad about it. We never spoke of it. I never even thought about it! Has this been a problem for him this whole time? Why did he never say anything?
“This is not a competition, Ali. You will not make me feel bad about what I buy for my children.”

“It was a joke, Em. Laugh a little.”

I know Ali, and that was no joke. That was camouflage for his discomfort.
“More cake, anyone?” Alessia asked. “I feel like we all need more cake.”

That was funny, and I did laugh. I can see already our little lady is gonna keep things light. Maybe this sarcasm thing won’t be so bad.