Generation 2 · March 21, 2022 0

2.250 Something New

When I awoke the next morning, I checked on the kids in their rooms. I know they’re not little anymore and are used to this house, but…well, I guess I’m just a mommy mommy like that. Alessia wasn’t in hers, but I half expected that. I was willing to bet she was downstairs attempting to make pancakes for us all. What I didn’t expect was to find Luca also missing and Alessia doing homework in his room. She said he was outside skating. Apparently, Ali got him a pair of skates for his birthday. I don’t know why, but seeing her in his room like that made me feel all mushy inside. They share a room at Ali’s house, and I thought they would embrace having separate rooms here. But she loves her big brother so much and still wants to be near him. Plus, her room is super tiny. She says she likes it, but maybe she’s just saying that to be nice. Part of me thinks I should suggest they share again, but the other part knows Luca will take issue with that.

We had a big day ahead of us, so I made a hearty breakfast: something I know they have never had before. I explained shrimp and grits is a common breakfast food in Willow Creek. That is where my daddy was from, and he used to make it for me from time to time. I laughed at their skeptical reaction to the meal because it was the same as mine. I admit, the concept is extremely weird, and I didn’t blame them for thinking it’s sketch. But I assured them they would forget all about that once they taste it. Luca was sold on it immediately, but it did not impress Alessia. I guess her love for pancakes is still pretty strong.

After breakfast, we changed into our workout gear for an afternoon at the gym. My morning jogs have been good to me, and I lost a few pounds so far. Proper workouts, however, will do wonders for my weight loss journey. But that’s something my kids may not be ready for, and they are not at my fitness level yet. I wanted us to do something together, and I figured a yoga class would be perfect for that. I haven’t done yoga since before I left Brindleton Bay, so I’m pretty sure we’ll be in the same boat. Besides, yoga can teach us how to be in tune with our bodies, which will promote mindfulness and help us control our emotions. I need that, and as teenagers, they’ll definitely need it.

I asked the instructor what time the next class would be, and he said in 30 minutes, but because there were a few of us, he could start a class for us right away. And so, our yoga journey began.