Generation 2 · April 1, 2022 0

2.253 My Girl

My children’s differences continue to amuse me, Alessia, with her earlier mornings, and Luca, content to sleep the morning away. I had just come from retrieving the mail when my beautiful daughter came down, fully dressed as always. Although I didn’t expect Luca, I was glad it was her for a special package arrived in the mail.

I have never seen anyone setup a phone and text so fast. She went on whatever social media site kids are using these days and posted her number. Notifications and pings came through so rapidly, like a foozeball getting knocked back and forth. It was kind of insane, but I was happy for her. I was much younger than she was when I got my first phone. It was magical and felt like holding the entire world in my hands. I turned to leave her to her virtual life and head to the kitchen, but she caught me and showed me around her world.

She went to what felt like 57 sites to show me pictures of everyone she knows. Not only did she show me their pictures, but also she gave me the rundown of their lives and every piece of gossip she knew. After “meeting” all her people, she went to SimTube and played virtually every single video she ever liked. Her excitement startled me at first, but I enjoyed every moment of that exchange. She wants me to know her and what’s going on in her life, and I’m flattered. And relieved. One never knows what these teenagers will decide is important or revolting from one minute to the next. For now, my daughter wants to spend time with me. Cat videos aren’t really my thing, but I will watch every one of them if it means more quality time with my girl.