Generation 2 · April 4, 2022 0

2.255 New Family Member

We found Alessia upstairs in a smaller room listening to an older man croon an audience of one. Everyone was pretty hungry by then, so we continued our city excursion in the art district at Holy Smoke. My children enjoyed the elevator ride all the way to the top and thought the idea behind a rooftop restaurant was brilliant. Inside, they looked around so wide-eyed, thinking the restaurant was fancy. There’s no dress code, so it’s not classed as a fancy restaurant, but it certainly is beautiful. I had hoped we could sit inside to take in its beauty properly, but they put us outside again.

As we looked over the menu and made our decisions, Luca grilled Alessia about why she didn’t sing. I thought she was simply nervous. Neither of them have great voices, so maybe she didn’t want to look foolish; lots of people feel that way. But her reasoning was entirely different. She said anyone could walk in, film us, and upload our video online. Next thing we know, we’ll have stalkers on our hands. As crazy as that sounded, she had a point. But who thinks like that? I mean, if you think about it, we’re at risk for many things the moment we leave our homes, but that doesn’t stop us from living life. Heh, I know all too well how many unsuspecting eyes we have on us. [Looking at you, Ms. Nosy Mail Lady!!] I really hope that was just a cover story for her own fear.

An awkward lull presented itself, so I changed the subject. “Do you guys remember Shiloh, our dog?”

I honestly didn’t expect Alessia to, but maybe Luca would.

“I do, kinda,” Luca said.

“I think so,” Alessia added.

“Really?” I asked in surprise. “That’s cool. I didn’t think you would. You guys were so little then. Anyway…I’ve been thinking about getting another dog. How would you feel about having a furry companion?”

Luca was chill and said he didn’t mind either way. If I wanted it, I should get it. He is such a sweetie. Alessia, however, was not chill. She was rather excited and completely onboard with the plan. She went on and on about how cute dogs are and went back and forth about whether she wanted a puppy or adult dog. Why do I get the feeling this is going to end up being her dog?