Generation 2 · April 4, 2022 0

2.257 The Talk Pt. 2

As if cheating wasn’t enough, somehow my very existence is annoying to Ali, it seems. I feel like I’m constantly making things worse despite not doing anything to him directly. It’s like everything I do backfires, and I can’t do anything right. I almost wanted to skip the next conversation, but we waited long enough. The kids waited long enough.

“So… The kids keep asking if we talked. They’re really excited about living here, and…I am too, honestly.”

He sighed again, making me feel even more offensive.

“You still don’t trust me?” I asked.

“No, I…”

“So, what is it?”

“Why can’t things just stay like they are?” he asked. “I thought we wanted a stable environment for them.”

“We’re divorced, Ali! Every weekend, they go back and forth between our houses. You call that stability?”

“You know what I meant,” he said.

“What I know is we both want our kids to be happy. And if they think they’ll be happier here, why not let them go? Besides, you took care of them all this time when I needed time to get my head straight. Let me do that for you.”

He stared blankly at me, listening and probably trying to find a sound argument for why I’m wrong.

“You’re tired and stressed. I see it all in your face! You always put us first. Even after I broke your heart, you considered me. Let me take care of them so you can focus on yourself for a change.”

He sighed, letting his head fall to his chest. “Ok. They can stay, but not for my benefit.” Looking up and staring across the river, he said, “My mother…she was everything to me. My father taught me a lot, but my mother made me who I am. The things I learned from her will stay with me forever. I’m sure you feel the same about your mom. Luca and Alessia need their mother, especially now at this age, so spending more time with you will be a good investment in their future. That’s what I care about.”

I exhaled in relief. “Ok then. Thank you. But…I want you to care about yourself, too. They need you at your best.”

“I hear what you’re saying, but I recall you too were reluctant to care for yourself,” he said with a little smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Touché.”

“Life of a parent, huh?”

“Mmm hmm. Wearing ourselves thin to make sure they thrive.”

“Yep.” He checked the time. “Come on. Let’s give them the news before they send out a search party.”

Back at the house, I called the kids downstairs for a family meeting. I didn’t tell them exactly what their dad and I were going to talk about, but they knew and sat hesitantly across from us with excitement in their eyes. I looked at Ali to see if he wanted to share, but he gestured at me to continue.

“Ok…so, we talked, and… We agreed it’ll be good for you guys to live here now.”

“Yes,” Luca yelled and fist pumped the air.

“Are you for real?!” Alessia shouted. “You’re not joking??”

“Of course not, babe,” I said. “That would be incredibly cruel of us.”

While the kids celebrated, Ali told me he’d give them tomorrow night to pack their things and bring them back on Tuesday night. I could not wait.