Generation 2 · April 29, 2022 0

2.269 Just Chill

We all changed clothes and brought our mats out to the upstairs balcony that never got used, and Luca lead us through an easy routine he had learned from SimTube. I think we all felt a little better afterward but not 100%. What we needed was relaxation and mindless activity. I rarely allowed eating in the living room, but the season premiere of Peach is the New Black was about to start, so I told the kids we could watch it while we ate. That was a pleasant change of pace. Alessia started clowning Luca again, so I knew she was all better.

I had gotten heavily invested in the episode and tuned them out. But I heard Luca say something to me, so I tuned back in.

“Why are you looking like that?” he asked.

“Because you smell like cowplant breath,” Alessia said.

That one was kinda funny, as my dear boy was quite ripe.

In the morning, I awoke a brand new sim! Between the yoga and chill time with my babies, I was walking on sunshine and Spin, Snap, Swayed my way out of bed. I was so energized and full of life, nothing could kill my spirit. Good thing too, because I had the type of morning that could bring back those tense feelings. It began with Luca telling me the toilet had broken.

As I was fixing it, Less came in complaining about her stomach hurting and claiming she needed another day off from school. Heh, I may have created a monster with that vacation day. It was cool, though. I allowed her to dupe me before, but not that time. I gave her some medicine and sent her to get dressed. But then the most amazing, magical thing happened! As I finished repairing the toilet, BOTH children came to help me clean up!

When I say I have the best kids on earth!!

Time grew short, and all of us needed to get dressed. But it occurred to me they wouldn’t come home that night and would be at Ali’s for the weekend, so I got my hugs and kisses. I told them I loved them and I’d miss them a LOT.