Generation 2 · May 13, 2022 0

2.273 Thinking

The day was still young when I left the park, so I went to the maker’s space to craft candles. Weeks ago, I attempted a candle that was beyond my level of expertise. Now, I made them with the same confidence I had with the regular candles I’d been making the whole time. I loved being able to see my skills progress. I loved seeing the demand for my product increase even more. If I ever wanted this to be my full-time gig, I definitely needed people to love my stuff and be willing to pay premium simoleon for it. That made me think about what Dwayne said about a fresh start. He changed jobs and moved to a new city on a whim simply because he needed a change. I definitely needed a change career-wise because if my CEO came at me crossways again, I just might catch a case! Gosh, that sounded so much like something Mommy would say. I still missed her so much. She’d probably tell me to screw the job and follow my dreams. Do whatever I needed to do to ensure my days were satisfying and filled with joy. I might just do that.

Until that afternoon, I never considered leaving my home. That house was special to me, not only because I picked it out and bought it on my own, but because that was where my life truly began. Ali happened, and I had my children. But a lot of pain happened there too. Honestly, I think there was more pain than happiness. Maybe I too could move somewhere new. Me and my children could start fresh without the shadow of the past looming around every corner. We could make new, happy memories. The more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me, and I wanted to move. I hoped my children would be agreeable to this whim.