Generation 2 · June 3, 2022 0

2.281 Lonely Winterfest Pt. 1

I considered spending Winterfest with my friends and their families, but I wasn’t a fan of their spouses. I limited my time with Jaron as much as possible, and I didn’t really know Gemma’s husband. Duane was cool until he costed Lucy her dream of being a mother. Besides, his newfound daughter would be there with her new husband, anyway. I probably could have gone to keep Lucy company, but I had enough drama in my own life to endure someone else’s on the happiest day of the year. What I needed was another single friend who also didn’t want to be alone for the holidays. I only had one friend like that.

After a healthy amount of internal debate, I called Dwayne and pitched my proposal. I wasn’t sure how he’d respond, seeing as he was trying to get over me…or something, so I offered a sweet deal he couldn’t refuse. All he had to do was agree, and I’d take care of everything else, including dinner. He agreed, of course. After all, we’re best friends. And like I told Ali, nothing is going on despite how we feel about each other.

I was so excited to see his new place. It wasn’t at all what I expected. It was small and modern with minimal furnishings, not because he hadn’t decorated yet, but because that was the style he went for. I didn’t peg him as a modern fan, but given his obsession with cleanliness, it made perfect sense. Having fewer things to keep clean was probably a load off his mind.

He invited me in and immediately asked me to remove my shoes. I didn’t mind, of course, but I wondered why he never made me do that before. New house, new rules, I guess.

Before we got too swept away, I whipped out my gift.

“A gift too?” he said. “Now you’re doing too much.”

“It’s Winterfest,” I shouted. “And you just moved. I had to get you something.

“You didn’t, but I appreciate it.”

“Where’s the kitchen?”

The house was so manly. Everything was black and gray with beige and white accents. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he had it built. I couldn’t wait to see the inside of my potential next house. Would it look like me too? Do I even have a style?

Dwayne wasn’t the greatest cook and didn’t offer to help. He kept me company while I prepared our dinner. It should go without saying he also washed the dishes as I used them. We made a great team, and by the time dinner was done, the kitchen was as spotless as it was before I got there.

Cooking with Dwayne created a new dynamic for us. We’d been friends our whole lives but had never experienced each other in a domestic setting like that. Even in the jungle, where we shared a house for a weekend. Honestly? It was weird. Kind of like…bordering relationship territory? I mean, it was a holiday, so it wasn’t like I planned to go over there and cook for him often, but still. It was just weird. I’d never cooked for anyone outside my family. Maybe it was something I needed to get used to because I didn’t plan to remain single forever, and cooking for my man was something I enjoyed. It’s funny. I’d been divorced all that time and still had marriage things to get over. Oh well. Live and learn, right?