Generation 2 · June 3, 2022 0

2.283 You Found Me

The next day, I went to the maker’s space, excited about trying an advanced candle technique. I enjoyed crafting and could see myself doing it for years to come. But making the same basic candles got old, and I needed to infuse new life into my creations. My career could only go so far, offering the same things over and over. I wanted bigger, fancier products to add variety.

I’d been watching this lady on SimTube to learn how to carve candles. After watching her technique for a while, I felt confident enough to test it out. I said this before, but crafting opened my eyes so much. People sold candles at varying price points for a reason. Take the carved candle, for example. It’s just a block or cylindrical candle with carvings. It may sound simple, but we price them higher because of the time and the expertise put into them. The candle alone took great patience to create, but the carvings required a steady hand, an eye for detail, and imagination.

For my first try, I thought I did a great job. I used to need Ali to confirm whether I had it, but I’d grown past that and could recognize quality when I saw it.

Just when I was about to begin another candle, I heard familiar whimpers like a frightened dog. The maker’s space didn’t have any rules against bringing pets with us, but I’d never seen anyone with theirs. I scanned the area to find the dog in case it was lost and needed to find its owner but didn’t see anything. The longer I listened, I realized the crying came from right in front of me. I looked down and gasped so loud, everyone looked at me. It was Tofu! She found me!!

I scooped her up and squeezed super tight.

“Oh my Watcher!! What are you doing here? How on earth did you find me?? I’m SO happy to see you!”

I forgot all about the candle I was about to make and ran home to feed my long-lost friend, for surely she was hungry. Whether she was ravenous or just greedy, she made quite a stir in that bowl. Food flew everywhere, and she sounded like she was fighting squirrels or something. When she had her fill, her expression was undeniable. THIS is what satisfaction looked like.

I made Tofu a promise and would not let her down. Alessia would just have to get on board because I would not let her strong arm me this time. I’ve got all my parental cards ready to play just in case she wants to play hardball.