Generation 2 · June 13, 2022 0

2.286 Bored

Tofu barked at my door early the next morning, demanding to be let in. Or maybe she demanded breakfast. IDK. Whatever the case, she was definitely on a mission. I had forgotten that part about dog mom life. They’re kind of like babies and toddlers in that way. They don’t care or even know what time it is; if they want something, they will hunt you down and holler until they get it. For the moment, I enjoyed the idiosyncrasies dogs had, but I’m sure this is going to get really old soon. At least it wasn’t 5 a.m. like when Shiloh used to wake me up. And at least I was already out of bed.

I let Tofu in, and she sat in front of me with a big grin. Mission accomplished, I guess. I went into the bathroom to relieve myself, and she followed me just like Shiloh used to. But at least Tofu was small and could sit off to the side instead of being all up in my business.

I picked her up and did a little One-Two Step because it was New Year’s Eve! Shiloh and I used to dance together too, but it’s kind of cool being able to pick up Tofu and spin her around. Having a small dog is kinda fun!

Despite being excited about the beginning of a new year and a new chapter of my life, I found myself a bit listless. I failed to make plans ahead of time and didn’t want to encroach on whatever the kids did with Ali. Hopefully, they were having fun over there. I floated around the house all day, trying to find things to fill my time, but nothing caught my interest. Finally, I plopped on a chair in the living room and pouted. For the first time in my life, I experienced boredom. Seriously! I always had options. But, at 8:17 p.m., it was much too early to call it a night. Especially on New Year’s Eve. The reality of my future laughed at me. This could be my life as a single, possibly soon-to-be childless person.

No. I couldn’t go out like that. This bored, pouty person was not me. I was too young to sit at home alone, watching the countdown on TV! Surely I still had options. It was probably too late to get my girls together. They had their own families to celebrate with, anyway. Maybe Dwayne would be down. He didn’t have many friends, so he was more than likely free. And if he wasn’t, maybe he wouldn’t mind inviting me to wherever he planned to party that night.

I called and asked what his plans were, and as I suspected, he was free and open to hanging with me. When I hung up the phone, I practically ran upstairs to get ready. No boredom for me tonight! The sad clown’ll have to make other plans, heh.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time in my closet, choosing the right outfit. After our Harvestfest conversation, I felt like we were in a very delicate place, especially because I didn’t reciprocate Dwayne’s sentiment. I still had feelings for him, of course, but I didn’t want to send the wrong signal and rush into something I wasn’t ready for. So, I chose my tamest sexy outfit. What? I may be unsure about a relationship with him, but I could still make him drool.