Generation 2 · June 28, 2022 0

2.297 One Body

A while back, when I was fighting to get a hold of myself, I promised to take better care of me. I think I’ve fulfilled that promise with my daily walks and occasional jogs. But now that my time is completely my own, I want to do more. I’m glad to be able to make candles more often, but I don’t want to do it seven days a week simply because I can. Life is about balance, so I’m going to dedicate a couple of days a week to self-care. I only get one body, and I want to be good to it.

Friday morning, Tofu and I went for a walk instead of a jog because I intended to go to the gym later. I felt so much like Mommy, strutting down the street in heels. Fashion was never my thing, and my style was much more relaxed than hers, but I’m sure she’d be proud of my current wardrobe.

My phone rang, and everything tensed up as I answered; it was the school. Luca’s teacher sent him to the principal’s office because she caught him using his phone to look up answers during a quiz! I almost thought she was lying to me, but why would she? I hold my children in high regard, but I know they aren’t angels. This is so disappointing. Luca always does the right thing. What made him cheat? His grades aren’t the best, but he’s not failing. My poor baby is probably so scared right now, awaiting his fate. They told me he could either retake the quiz while they hold his phone, get a failing grade, or he can apologize to the class for cheating. I know he’s super embarrassed right now, so telling the class what he did is overkill. Graduation is literally days away, so he doesn’t need anything jeopardizing that. I told them to let him retake the quiz without the phone. I sent Ali a text explaining what happened and asked if he could talk to Luca since I won’t see him for a while.

The gym is smaller than the one in Willow Creek, but I like this one better. I love the industrial style they went for. The large windows and mirrors opened up the rooms, making them feel larger and airy. I never noticed how beautiful the park-like setting was behind that entire block. Newcrest is really growing on me!

Last time I went to the gym, I said I wanted to tone my muscles, so I tried boxing. For someone with low muscle mass, I did pretty well. Must be because of my high fitness skill. I went a few rounds and felt fantastic. I could have sworn I felt my body change. But that’s crazy, right? No one works out once and has their dream body.

I felt so good, I thought I’d push myself a little more and tried rock climbing.

Admittedly, I was nervous. There weren’t that many people around, so if I fell off this thing, maybe I could show my face here again. But still. No one wants to end up on her back like a dying cockroach.

I picked the easiest program and climbed carefully.

Things went well at first. I almost made it to the top. There may or may not have been a near-death incident. But that day, I left the gym with no injuries and a tank full of pride.