Generation 2 · June 30, 2022 0

2.300 Birthday Plans

I swear, every time my daughter comes back from Ali’s, she is more beautiful than when she left. What do they do over there? I can’t imagine him teaching them about style because he too needs help in that department. But whatever conversations they have are favoring her. I bet he affirms her all the time. Us girls need that from our daddies.

“Mom…I can feel you staring,” she said.

So I’m Mom now? I feel like I’ve been demoted or something.

“Sorry. You’re just so beautiful, babe.”

She might think she’s grown and too cool for me, but I saw that tiny smile she let slip.

Before they retreated to their rooms, I had to share with them a totally awesome idea I got while I was at the gym.

“So…I have a proposal. What if we take a family trip to Mt. Komorebi for your birthdays? We can stay long enough to celebrate both of them there.”

Alessia gasped. “Mt. Komorebi?? And no school??? YES! Count me in!!”

Luca had a happy, confused expression, like he halfway believed me. “Really?? Can Dad come?”

Ali? On vacation with us? Absolutely not!

“Ummmmmmm…I’m not comfortable with that, son.”

“But it’s my birthday. We’re always together for our birthdays.”

Ugh! I am such a sucker for this kid. Ever since the moment I knew he existed, I’ve wanted to give him the world. I can’t stand that little croak in his voice.

But maybe I don’t have to be the one to break his heart. Ali won’t want to stay in our vacation rental, and he definitely can’t afford a trip like this. I’ll let him be the bad guy for once.

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea, Luca. But if he agrees to come, I’ll be okay with it.”

“YES!! Thank you, thank you!”

I turned to Alessia to say something but noted yet another long face.

“What’s wrong, babe?”

“We don’t know how to ski,” she said. “What if we trip and fall off the mountain?”

“Awww, baby, don’t worry about that. We won’t go near the big mountain until we’re ready, okay? Besides, the part where you ski isn’t at the top, so no one will fall off the mountain. We’ll hang out on the bunny slopes and sled together. It’ll be fun!”

“If you say so,” she said warily.

“I think we should prepare our minds and bodies for this trip,” Luca said. “Everyone, follow me.”

Admittedly, this take charge attitude surprised me. But I loved it. He’s coming into his own, and it’s beautiful.

He led us to the backyard and arranged our yoga mats like a class at the gym, with him in front leading us. I can already see my precious son being the greatest yoga master of all time. So proud!!