Generation 2 · July 9, 2022 0

2.308 Light and Luck

Later that night, we traveled south to Senbamachi for the Festival of Light. I expected fireworks and fairy lights all over the place. You know…literal light. But after some observation, and speaking to a few locals, I realized the light is figurative. We were celebrating beauty and light in the world that is also inside of us. And because the light is inside of us, that means we are the light of the world! So, in essence, the Festival of Light is a celebration of us, the community. I thought that was so beautiful! It reminded me so much of the community events back in Sulani…except we have to pay for the food though, heh.

We found a tree called Tanabata that was covered in hundreds of colorful notes and were told to write wishes on cards and hang them on the tree. The tree would then send our wishes to the stars. Ali surprised me with his enthusiasm. He doesn’t believe in ghosts, but this is okay? Invisible celestial messengers? I believe in spirits and need all the favor I can get, so I wrote as much as I could on that card. Maybe he, too, is desperate.

Ali and the kids were hungry and explored their options at the food stall. I was more interested in getting into this Japanese folk music and seeing what kind of moves I could come up with. It didn’t really have a beat and was kinda hard to dance to, but that didn’t stop my hips from dipping and gliding. I’m sure I looked ridiculous to the locals, but they’ll be just fine. I wouldn’t mind if they taught me the local dances.

When I saw they had ordered and settled at a table, I joined them. Dinner was just like old times with Alessia heckling Luca and him letting it roll off like water on a duck.

“I want to say something,” Ali said.

The kids stopped their fake fighting and tuned into Ali.

“Your mom and I didn’t have didn’t have siblings. It’s a special thing for you two to have each other. You’re both about to start your own lives. One day you’ll go in different directions, but promise us you won’t lose touch. Always take care of your sister, Luca.”

“Yes, sir.”

“What about me, Daddy?”

Ali thought about her position for a moment. “You’re the gatekeeper. Make sure he stays in line.”

“HA! I get to interview all your girlfriends!”

“He doesn’t mean it literally, Less.”

“He said what he said!”

I could only shake my head. I love these two, and I’m gonna miss this when they’re gone.