Luca has extra bass in his voice now. I think it might take me a few days to get used to him being a young adult. I don’t wanna be one of those “you’ll always be my baby” parents, but it’s hard when I still see my little boy when I look at his handsome face. Speaking of, I hope he’s ready to dive into dating and relationships because I have zero doubts he has a line of girls waiting for him to get back home.

This trip was my present to the kids, so I didn’t intend to give them gifts. But there is one thing I want to give Luca. I should probably wait until we get home, but I feel like the moment will be lost so far after his birthday. Luckily for me, Ali hadn’t come downstairs yet, and Alessia went for a bath after she cleaned the dishes. As soon as the coast was clear, I took Luca to the living room.

“Why are we hiding from everyone?” he asked.
“I have a gift for you, and I don’t want anyone else to know about it.”
His eyebrow went up. “Okay. But, why?”
“Well, for one, I don’t want Alessia feeling left out. Two, I don’t want to hear it from your dad. Three, this is specifically for you.“
He flashed a crooked smile. “Why me?”
“You’re my firstborn! I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time.”

“Wow. So, what is it?”
“It’s a relic from the jungles of El Selvadorada. I went there when I was younger because I wanted to learn the Rumbasim.”
He snorted. “You know you could have just watched SimTube videos, Mama.”
“I know! But I wanted to meet the locals and take in the culture. And I wanted to take a vacation without my parents. Anyway, my friend I went with wanted to explore the jungle, so I got some gear and excavated a few things. You’ve seen some of them around the house.”
“Oh shoot! Those are real? I figured you got them on Plopsy or something.”
I giggled. “Yes, son, they are real! But this one is special. I’ve kept it safe in my inventory this whole time because I got it appraised and it is very valuable.”
His eyes got super large. “How valuable?”
“Roughly 10,000 simoleons.”
“Holy Watcher!”

“Wait, listen to me before you get ideas about selling. After I got it appraised, I decided I wanted to keep it and give it to my first child as kinda like a legacy thing. I always thought it was cool how some people have family heirlooms and stuff, so I started my own tradition.”
“That’s cool, Mama.”
“Yeah. So, keep it if you can. Give it to your heir. But if you run into trouble, and you desperately need money, don’t hesitate to sell it. I’ve always made it my business to provide for you. This is my way of doing that after I’m gone, maybe.”
“Stop. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“I know, but still. It’s never too late to plan for the future.”

“That’s true. Wow! Thanks, Mama. This is really cool. I’ll keep it. Don’t worry. And I won’t tell Less about it.”
“Thanks. I love you, Luca. Happy birthday!”