Generation 2 · March 17, 2021 0


A little after Laurant left, Mommy showed me how to prepare for blizzards. She went to every faucet and just barely turned them on so they dripped lightly. Apparently this is just enough movement to keep the pipes from freezing. I heard something outside and grabbed my coat to check it out. It sounded like very light footsteps. Like an animal walking in the snow! I ran outside, but the snow was so thick I could barely see. And it was sooooooo cold!! I scanned the front yard as best I could, and I saw a dark lump in the snow.


As I got closer, the lump took shape and looked like an animal laying in the snow. Judging from the size, a dog. Pressure built up behind my eyes as I thought of the worst, yet hoping it wasn’t my friend. I wanted to call out to him, but he didn’t have a name, so I hurried to him.


Surely he could hear or sense me coming, but he didn’t move! I cried and knelt next to him, mourning the presumed loss of my friend and feeling guilty for not thinking of bringing him home sooner. But then he rolled over and looked at me! He was asleep in the snow! At first he looked annoyed, like my crying had awakened him from a sweet dream. But when he saw it was me, he barked as if to say oh hey girl! I scooped him in my arms and hugged him so tightly, crying even harder at finding him at last, perfectly well.


Shiloh wandered outside. I guess I was loud enough to worry her. With all of us together, I took the opportunity to have our first family meeting. I told her he would be living with us, and I expected her to treat him well, share her toys (and me), and let him eat her food until I get him his own bowl. I really need to give this guy a name!


But it was freezing, and I wanted to make sure he didn’t run away again, so I ushered them inside. My first order of business was to give him a nice, warm bath. I’d been wanting to bathe him since the first time we met. I love how calm he was with everything. Some strays are very suspicious and don’t trust well, but my friend took everything in stride. He enjoyed the bath and even gave me kisses. I wasn’t completely certain he would stay, but I had a very good feeling. I know dogs don’t always know the words we speak, but they can feel the message we’re trying to convey. So, in case he had any reservations about staying with me, I said, “I’m glad you’re here! I’m going to love you forever.”
