Generation 2 · March 18, 2021 0


After the wipeout at the dog park, I gathered my buddies for a trip to Willow Creek to see my secret project. I used Hunter’s adjustment time to search for a new home for us and decided Willow Creek will be our new residence. But before I committed, I wanted to check it out and get a feel for the neighborhood. What I didn’t realize was the house was right across the street from the Pancakeses. Good thing Dwayne and I are still on the same page or that would be really disastrous for our friendship.


I was drawn to the house because of the architecture. It’s an older house, and something about its traditional style called to me. I wish I could explain why. Heh, there are many things in my life I wish I could explain.

Shiloh had moved with me before and adjusted immediately, so I wasn’t concerned about her behaving negatively. It was Hunter I wasn’t sure about. He seemed ok about everything else, but this was big. I told him this house could be our new home if he liked it. “Do you want to check it out and make sure it’s ok?”

He took off running into the yard, and surprisingly, Shiloh was right behind him!


While they were off exploring and measuring the squirrel threat level, I texted the agent to make an offer. I had to laugh, though. Why was I concerned about Hunter? After being homeless for who knows how long, and then joining a loving family, why would he care where we lived? As long as he doesn’t have to sleep on hard ground, he’ll be good. I think having a big heart is a good thing, but sometimes I annoy myself with how deeply I care about everything and everyone.


Dwayne was jogging down the street as I sent the message. When he saw me, of course he had to stop and hassle me. “You know it’s illegal to loiter and be so fine in Willow Creek.”

I’m so happy I never have to worry about Dwayne switching up on me. I would seriously miss our banter. 

“That’s good to know,” I said. “You’ll have to teach me all these weird Willow Creek laws since I’ll be a resident soon.”


“Whaaaaat? Tired of Winter Wonderland already?”

“I have two dogs now, and the house is way too small for all of us. Plus… Well…let’s just say I need to not run into Laurant so much.”

“Uh uh. You gotta give me more than that. Where does he live? I’ll go over there right now and…well…I’ll go over there and mean mug him…like this!”


That was a decent attempt at a mean mug. I halfway believed he was serious, heh. I told him about the texts and the dinner and dog hunt. Dwayne is always 100% on my side no matter what. If I were ever guilty of a crime, I could totally count on him to be my character witness in attempts to get off. I have no problems believing he would lie for me or even help me bury a body if I ever needed such a favor. Knowing this is how he is, I expected the shade and insults he hurled at Laurant. But he’s still my friend, I suppose, so I told Dwayne to be nice. He needed to get back to his run anyway, so let him go.

“See you soon, neighbor!”






Yes…we are moving into yet another awesome house by @jenba! I think I should go ahead and dub her and @cross-design​ the official builders of Stories by Jes2G. 😂