Generation 2 · March 24, 2021 0


Ali hadn’t picked up another freelance gig yet, so he wasn’t pressed to get back home the next morning…not that I would let him go. 😏 After my first time with Devonte, I wondered if it would have been better if we were in love. Methinks I’ll go ahead and answer that with a resounding YES. 😍😍😍 With Dwayne, it was so frenzied and kind of aggressive because we both had so much tension built up. We had to get it out of our system before returning home, so we did it as much as we could between our jungle activities. Although I was eager to be with Ali (and we never made it upstairs), it was nothing like that. It was sweet and romantic! I didn’t feel like just another girl he screwed. He treated me gently, like something valuable he wanted to keep. He moved in me like he was trying to communicate a message. I received it! Sweet Watcher, I received!  

It was hard to pry myself away from him, but we never had an entire day to ourselves before. I wanted to go do something outside with him and was super excited. He was too. At least every time he was out of my sight, I felt his gaze on me like warm sun rays. Meh. He was probably trying to see through my coat, tee hee hee.

I missed San Myshuno, so we checked out the Spice District to see if anything interesting happened. The flea market was on, but we had no interest in furniture. We also had no interest in being around a crowd, so we went to the Botanical Garden instead.


At first I thought building a snowpal together would be fun, but remembering how competitive he was with juice pong, I challenged him to a snowpal building duel. 

“I bet I can make a cuter snowpal than you!” I taunted.

That one eyebrow went up, and it was game on.


I was distracted by the scenery when I noticed that area of the park was set up for weddings. It was really beautiful! I imagined it would be even more beautiful with green grass and spring flowers and tucked away the idea for the future.

“Wouldn’t it be cool to get married here?”

He paused for a few seconds to look around. “Yeah. It’s nice.”

He immediately went back to his snow craft. I giggled, shaking my head at him. Competition wasn’t my thing, but it was kinda fun to see him that way.


It took a while to complete our snow creatures because I may or may not have started a snowball fight which led to snow snogging, hee hee. But eventually, we finished. They were both quite cute. I went the more traditional route. He declared himself the winner, and I was ok with that.
