Generation 2 · February 18, 2021 0


As soon as we arrived, we hit the ground running. I freshened up, got changed, and headed to the market area to soak up the culture. Dwayne came too, but he stayed only a little while. He had to meet some people who were doing group tours in the jungle.


I wasted no time getting food. I’d been dreaming about eating El Selvadoradian food days leading up to this trip as I’d researched recipes and typical meals of the people. I tried to pronounce the names as best I could, but the vendor looked exasperated. She probably deals with tourists like me all day every day. Maybe she needs a new job.


After I ate, I went inside the bar just steps from the market. I wanted to try local drinks but also needed to find out about the nightlife. I came there to dance! I expected an empty, dimly lit room with employees still setting up. To my surprise, the place was jumping! It wasn’t even noon yet and people were all over the place swinging their hips, twirling and smiling. This was definitely my kind of place!


I took a seat to listen and vibe to the music. Latin pop was new to me, and I needed to hear the beat and catch the rhythm before I tried the steps. The music was so lively! It grabbed my ear immediately, making my head bob. I couldn’t believe I stumbled into the place I was meant to be.


A sim in front of me really had it going on. Cute face too. I loved how freely the males moved their hips. They don’t dance like that in my neck of the woods because it’s too feminine. Dudes act too school for cool, One, Two Steppin’ in the corner. But these guys’ hips swirled around quickly like water flowing down the drain. It was tantalizing!


I got brave and introduced myself, hoping he’d understand me. Luckily, his simlish was perfect. I told him where I was from, said I came to El Selvadorada to learn to Rumbasim and asked if he minded teaching me a few steps. He said he’d be happy to! I was so excited and ready to dive headfirst into this dance, but the music changed to something that sounded more like R&B. He tried to teach still, but the beat was just too different. I said it was ok and we just danced normally. If I came back tomorrow–which I will–he said he’d teach me. I wondered if everyone there was as nice as him. Or maybe he thought I was cute. Mommy always said being pretty has its privileges. It’s also a curse, but not today! We danced and got to know each other and had so much fun! This trip was the best idea! 
