Generation 2 · February 2, 2021 0


By the time Shiloh and I returned home, Mommy was up and in the shower. We began our day at the lighthouse. I’d been wanting to go there, but it wasn’t an experience I wanted to have on my own. The view was breathtaking! Like, everyone knows the world is ginormous, but to be so high, and see so much of the ocean at once, and not be able to see where it ends, my… It was incredible, and I’m glad I could experience that with my mom.


We didn’t eat breakfast, and the walk up the lighthouse stairs took a bit out of us. I hadn’t been to the harbor yet, so we hit up a bar that was open. Mommy and I chatted while we waited for food, but I stopped mid-sentence when Laurant sat with us.


I totally forgot he lived here! All those times I was at the dog park I could have dropped by because he lived right down the street. We were grinning and staring—as we do—and I could feel Mommy’s smile warming the other side of my face. 

“Is this your boo thang?” she asked. 

I snapped out of it and introduced him as my friend before she found something else embarrassing to say. He spotted us when he walked in and just wanted to say hi and apologized for interrupting. Naturally, Mommy told him he could stay. Fine by me because I would have also extended the invitation. 


The three of us chatted while Mommy casually hammered him with questions despite my saying he was just a friend. Who am I kidding? She can spot cowplant poop 50 miles away. But it’s true. He is my friend. How I feel about him doesn’t matter much. At least I wish it didn’t. I can’t have him, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing I could.