Generation 2 · August 20, 2021 0


Despite feeling defeated by my poor attempt to save my marriage, I awoke with a smile. That same joy I had from seeing my babies stayed with me. And the clarity I received from talking with Ali gave me a brand new perspective. Knowing he doesn’t think I’m an unfit mother gave me much needed relief. He understood overwhelmed I am and gave me a golden opportunity. My children will return to this house one day! With that in mind, I dismantled the nursery and began a makeover in Alessia’s room. It’s nowhere near finished, but it’s a nice little project to keep me going while I work on myself. 


Laurant came by…again. I should have known he wouldn’t wait for my call. I’m honestly not sure I would have followed up…and he knows this.


It was a beautiful day, and the patio rarely got used, so we sat outside and talked. Well, he talked. I tried to be as brief as possible, bracing for the inevitable. He was glad to see me smiling—a marked improvement from his last visit. I told him about Alessia’s birthday and how amazing she was.


After a while, things were just too awkward. I’m usually the chatty one, and small talk is not our thing. That gave him an opportunity to get on with the real reason he came over.

“So, ummm…what’s going on with you and Ali?”

I expected the question, but was still unprepared somehow. But I know Laurant, and he knows me. He’ll let me take my time and let the truth spill out however it comes, but I’m scared. I’ve always cared too much about what others think of me. Our friendship is supposed to be over, but clearly he’s still in my life. But this could be our official end. I don’t think we’ll be able to bounce back from this one.

“Laurant…I’m just gonna spit it out, ok? It’s a lot, and you’ll probably hate me, but-”

“Hey. I’m here. Talk to me.”

I took a courageous breath and let it out slowly. He didn’t know what he was asking for and will regret it.

“Ok,” I said warily. “I cheated on Ali. He filed for divorce and moved out yesterday. And he took the kids.”

He went on a journey of epic proportions. At first, he looked shocked. Then sad followed by confused. Finally, his face landed on angry. “You cheated? With who?”

Was he mad because he’s disappointed in me or because it wasn’t him with whom I sinned? 

I hesitated to answer, and his concern and frustration grew with every second I delayed. “…Dwayne.”


Dwayne? How… You know what… Nevermind. I don’t want to know. How could you do that to your family? Ali is a good sim!”

“I know. I don’t have an answer to that yet.”

“What do you mean, you don’t have an answer? You just out here sleeping around for the hell of it? That’s not the Emerald Pope I know.”

“I’m not sleeping around! It was once!”

He glared at me, shaking his head and shooting fiery darts with his eyes. “Are you serious? Unless you’re just looking to have fun, woohoo doesn’t just happen, Ki! You know this! I don’t even know who you are right now. You had a perfect life and threw it all away for what? How selfish can you be?”
