Generation 2 · April 29, 2021 0


Eventually we all tore ourselves away from the little guy and let him sleep. Poor thing. He was so cranky because he just wanted to get 40 winks while we were all up in his face. I could tell we were all just trying to keep ourselves occupied, trying to keep from going up to see him again. My soybean plants were the furthest thing from my mind over the last few days, but I went out there and tended to them. Mommy joined me and tried to talk to me about my plants, knowing good and well she knew nothing about gardening. Ali took out the trash and cleaned the kitchen. By some miracle, we all eventually went to bed.


The first thing to note is that Luca slept all night. I think we need medals. Second, though I am fully prepared for the nightmares and sleepless nights, it was so nice to be greeted by a baby with a full belly, clean diaper, and a smile. All Mommy’s doing, of course. I could get used to this.


I think he likes my silly faces. His little baby laugh is so infectious! I’d do anything to hear it again and again. I am enchanted by his little face and am totally ok with being wrapped around his finger. We both are.


Shiloh too.
